RAW – Rome Art Week 2023 at Corviale
Art in Corviale, Rome The Experimental Center for the dissemination and development of Art Graphics and New Technologies Stamperia del Tevere organizes a series of events in the Piazzetta delle…
Photography Challenge 31 Days, 31 Photos
19 August is World Photography Day so to help inspire your creative process Domestika is hosting another #31days31Photos challenge! Frame, focus and shoot. The first World Photography Day was held…
24 Hour Project – Photographers for Social Change
The largest photography event of its kind, photographers for social change. This year participating in a photowalk worldwide in one single day to support charity Cameras For Girls, a charitable…
Peggy Kleiber – everyday life
Exhibition: Peggy Kleiber. Tutti i giorni della vita (fotografie 1959-1992) The first exhibition in Italy by photographer Peggy Kleiber, Tutti i giorni della vita (fotografie 1959-1992) from 19 May to…